Airbus Fly By Wire Demo

Airbus Fly By Wire Demo

Video from Airbus about the fly by wire features in an A320 airliner. Includes demonstrations of the aircraft's flight characteristics with CMD Autopilot modes off, with "Hands off stick" characteristics and pilot override saftey systems
Love today's dictionary word of the day via @dictionarycom afflatus \uh-FLAY-tuhs\, noun: A divine imparting of knowledge; inspiration.

Word of the day: Afflatus [uh-FLAY-tuhs] - A divine inspiration.

Excellent Word of the Day: afflatus \ uh-FLAY-tuhs \ , noun; 1. A divine imparting of knowledge; inspiration.

@charliesheen Charlie, the high-priest, shall flay the infant troll within his tabernacle. And Eminem will compose a carol in a minor key.

@Nanette From the Make-A-Wish foundation? I don't know that many kids that would go to Ina - maybe Bobby Flay, Curtis Stone or a Top Chef

Dunno why but I've been thinking of the name Bobby Flay for like 3weeks #random

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