Justin Bieber's Hilarious Moments TWO!

Justin Bieber's Hilarious Moments TWO!

-VIdeo of Justin's funniest moment! :D (NUMBER TWO!) -I would love Justin to see this! ;) -If you hate Justin, then seriously, use your brain and not click on videos that say 'Justin Bieber' in the title and leave your unwanted, rude comments to yourself! -I do not own these clips. Credit goes to the owners of them. Especially the ones who put their names on the clips. :P -The annotations tell you the exact name of the clip! Just type in the name on YouTube and usually it's the first video that comes up. -Sorry, the volume in some of the clips are higher/lower than others, so just turn up/down the volume and I hope it helps. -Please DO NOT steal my video... -No copyright infringement intended. -Woohoo! Thank you all for watching, really appreciate it! :) (You can watch it in HD too, so exciting, I know... :P) NUMBER ONE: www.youtube.com NUMBER TWO: You're watching it, hunny. ;) NUMBER THREE: www.youtube.com NUMBER FOUR: www.youtube.com
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