おかめいど LOVE&JOY

おかめいど LOVE&JOY

おかめいど ダンス動画ニコニコ動画より無断転載Okamaid dances 'Love & Joy'. Her dance motion of this movie was traced, distributed, and used for various movies created through the 'MikuMikuDance(MMD)' (see the note below). This is an unauthorized copy from 'nico nico douga'. Visit the original: www.nicovideo.jp (Note) Okamaid uploaded this movie on April 30, 2008 on 'nico nico douga' site. An MMD producer called 'Wasabi P' traced the motion and made an MMD movie titled '(In that room) Tried to dance Love & Joy full version (Okame costume)', which was uploaded on December 22, 2008 on 'nico nico douga' site. This is the first MMD movie using the motion of this Love & Joy dance by Okamaid. You can see the memorable MMD movie on 'nico nico douga' site ( www.nicovideo.jp ) or on Wasabi P's blog dated December 22, 2008 ( zoome.jp ). Wasabi P said it took four months to create the movie. You can read the interesting process on his blog ( zoome.jp ). According to Okamaid, the choreography of this dance was basically from the cheer dance performed by 'Cheer Dragons' with a mascot called 'Doala' on 'D-STAGE' of Nagoya Dome, a home ground of a baseball team 'Chunichi Dragons'. Okamaid said she added improvisation to the original dance. You can find the original cheer dance on both Youtube ( www.youtube.com ) and nico nico douga ( www.nicovideo.jp ). When compared with the Cheer Dragons' dance, it seems that Okamaid created the dances in the static opening (0:00-0:23), exciting ...
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