Evanescence - Everybody´s Fool

Evanescence - Everybody´s Fool

The music video of Evanescence, "Everybody´s Fool"
RT @iamdavia: Cheating? It's not even that serious. How bout you just break up with the person.

RT @MsTerryMcMillan: Everybody's in it to win it. Airborne.

@DonnieWahlberg I miss @JonathanRKnight 's tweets!can't believe he gave up tweeting 4 lent! Couldn't he give up candy like the rest of us?;)

Hopefully the dog I walk will go easy on me tomorrow. It's my birthday and all.

It hurts. But it's a sweet kind of pain. Like alcohol. It tastes good but there's still that weird aftertaste in the back of your throat.

RT @ItsMDC: There's gonna be one less lonely girl ;)

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