Kai Ken Exhibition 2008 -JM class

Kai Ken Exhibition 2008 -JM class

甲斐犬愛護会展覧会Kai Ken Aigokai Exhibition in Yamanashi, Japan on October 26th, 2008. This video is of the juvenile male class. Lots of snarling and bared teeth with so many intact males in one ring. The eventual winner was bred and shown by a friend of mine, and is the dog at the end of the clip. Take a look at my blog for more Kai tora-inu.blogspot.com
@Sneakers_OnDeck Oh....and my Kai and Ken. Lol!

RT @Kbob924: At the circus with Kai and Ken!!<---aw can you give my girlfriend a kiss for me

@kai_ken_chodai 今年最初の定潜楽しめましたか⁉まだまだエキジット後の寒さは身体に堪えるやろうから、焚き火で暖を取って下さい。 #diving

@KOMA_KEN ただいま!!今日はkaiやるぞ!!こまいぬは!

What the meaning is???RT @shintafangoria: @chntmii wkwkwk wa cai wa cai. wa kan ta mai ken cio ta mi kai. keng kia I nang jhi yooooo ! :D

別にみんなに届かないだろ(^-^)/。よこちゃん。RT @hit_kai: @ken_fur 宛先オステン7期になってたでしょーが(*`へ´*) 笑 ん?誰を怒らせたの?

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Kai Ken グッズ
Kai Ken 掲示板


