Kindred The Family Soul - Valentine's Day in DC (BMWK)

Kindred The Family Soul - Valentine's Day in DC (BMWK)

We spent Valentine's night in DC at the Kindred The Family Soul show done by J&J Entertainment Group. Of course the place was packed, they rocked the crowd, the fans got involved and it was another good look for the marriage movement and the group that provides the soundtrack for it. Check out Kindred's new webs series "Six Is It" at kindredthefamilysoul.com Check us out at http
@itsPaauline_ Ma valentine d'amour <3 J'ai du partir en 4ème vitesse! J'ai vu mes DM.. Bah moi je te dis essaie de le rendre jalou, (c)

@xBieberable c'est Valentine. Ben non il m'a pas demandé j'aurais dit non --' Y'a qui d'autres tant qu'à faire? Il a demandé a Alison?

「下弦の月」を聴いたら、寝よう。 by Valentine D.C.

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